The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Hour 1968

Animation Comedy

Bugs Bunny and all his cartoon friends are stage performers entertaining audiences with 7 features per show, all of which are classic theatrical cartoons from the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. Brief interaction sequences on stage betwe...

Todos los títulos
  • US: The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Hour The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Hour
  • AR: La hora de Bugs Bunny y El Correcaminos La hora de Bugs Bunny y El Correcaminos
  • HR: Zekoslav Mrkva i Ptica Trkacica Zekoslav Mrkva i Ptica Trkacica
  • SK: Zajac Bugs a priatelia Zajac Bugs a priatelia
  • RU: Шоу Багза Банни и уличного бегуна Шоу Багза Банни и уличного бегуна
  • US: The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Hour The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Hour
Fecha de lanzamiento 14 Sep 1968
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